Insets For Design

Description of Materials:

  • 10 geometric shapes in plastic or metal. They each have a frame.
  • Squares of different coloured papers which are exactly the same size as the frame.
  • A set of good quality coloured pencils.


  • To develop the child’s muscles for holding a pencil correctly.
  • To develop control and precision of movement with flexibility.
  • To give the experience in anti-clockwise (counter-clockwise) movements, parallel straight lines when filling in shapes, downward and left-to-right strokes.
  • Indirect preparation for art development of pattern and use of colour.

Control of Error

  • The frame and inset control the figure or design.
  • If the child’s parallel lines go beyond the figure the error will be apparent.


  • Insets, frame, curved lines, horizontal lines, vertical lines, diagonal lines, patterns, and designs.

Approximate age

  • 3 to 4 years

Presentation 1:

  • The teacher invites the child to work with the material. She invites the child to the shelf, shows him the material and names it, "These are Insets for Design".
  • The teacher chooses a simple frame of a curved figure, takes a sheet of inset paper and two different coloured pencils.
  • The teacher then invites the child to choose a place to work on the table. She shows the child how to carry the materials to the chosen spot.
  • The teacher sits next to the child, wherever the child has the fullest view, taking into consideration the teacher herself and the child being right or left-handed.
  • Teacher places the material in front of the child and then shows how to work with the material :

    1st. stage :

    The teacher shows the child how to cover the sheet of inset paper with the frame. She then takes one of the coloured pencils, holding it with proper pencil grip and draws slowly around the inside of the frame in an anti-clockwise direction. Then, she invites the child to try tracing the outline of the frame like she did. If the child is able to do it, then proceed on with the next stage.

    2nd. Stage :

    The teacher then shows the child how to fill the inside of the figure with controlled straight lines close together, from left to right or downward from top to bottom side of the outline to the other with the other coloured pencil.

    When the child understands the activity, encourage the child to do the exercise.

  • When the presentation is completed, teacher then shows how to place the materials back to the shelf. Explain to the child that he may work on the materials anytime he wishes on his own and that the materials have to be returned to its place when completed for others to use.


  • Children normally find difficulty in the beginning but will improve with practice. Encourage the child to practice often. Pay special attention to the child’s writing position and pencil grip to ensure the development of good writing habits.

  • These exercises are presented over a period of time as the child’s control of the pencil increases.

  • These drawings perfect a child’s skill in that they oblige him to draw lines of different lengths and make him ever more skilful and sure in the use of this hands… I do not believe that any means could be found more efficacious in gaining such a victory in less time and which could afford so much amusement to a child. " Discovery of the Child, Maria Montessori, Chapter 15.


Exercise 1:

  • The child repeats the exercise. Encourage the child to practice often.

Exercise 2:

  • A Symmetric Design

    • The teacher chooses one simple frame of an inset design, a sheet of inset paper and two different coloured pencils.
    • The teacher covers the inset paper with the frame and invites the child to choose one coloured pencil. Teacher takes the coloured pencil and draws the inside of the frame in an anti-clockwise direction. Then she lifts up the frame and turns it 45 degrees, use the other coloured pencil and draw the inside of the frame again so that it overlapped.
    • The areas of the design are then filled with controlled straight lines close together vertically, diagonally, horizontally or with downward strokes, from left to right using two coloured pencils.
    • Encourage the child to do the exercise using all of the geometric figures.

Exercise 3:

  • Outlining the Inset

    • The teacher chooses one simple frame of an inset design, the inset, a sheet of inset paper and three different coloured pencils.
    • The teacher covers the inset paper with the frame, takes one of the coloured pencil and draws the inside of the frame anti-clockwise direction. Then she removes the frame.
    • She then holds the inset over the outline and draw round the figure using a different coloured pencil. The figure will be doubly outlined on the paper in two colours.
    • Invite the child to fill in the figures with controlled straight lines close together in any direction from left to right or top to bottom with any one coloured pencil. Using another contrasting coloured pencil, he fills in the narrow outer gap of the figure.
    • Encourage the child to do the exercise using all of the geometric figures.

Exercise 4:

  • A Geometric Design

    • The teacher chooses two different frames of two insets design, a sheet of inset paper and four different coloured pencils.
    • The teacher covers the inset paper with one of the frame, takes one of the coloured pencil and draws the inside of the frame anti-clockwise direction. Then she removes the frame.
    • She then covers the inset paper with the other frame and draws the inside of the frame with a different coloured pencil. In this way, the teacher shows how to create a design.
    • She then invites the child to fill in the gaps with controlled straight lines close together in any direction from left to right or top to bottom with different coloured pencils.
    • Encourage the child to do the exercise using different geometric figures and a variety of coloured pencils.

Exercise 4:

  • A Geometric Design

    • The teacher chooses two different frames of two insets design, a sheet of inset paper and four different coloured pencils.
    • The teacher covers the inset paper with one of the frame, takes one of the coloured pencil and draws the inside of the frame anti-clockwise direction. Then she removes the frame.
    • She then covers the inset paper with the other frame and draws the inside of the frame with a different coloured pencil. In this way, the teacher shows how to create a design.
    • She then invites the child to fill in the gaps with controlled straight lines close together in any direction from left to right or top to bottom with different coloured pencils.
    • Encourage the child to do the exercise using different geometric figures and a variety of coloured pencils.

Exercise 5:

  • A Geometric Design

    • The teacher chooses two different frames of two insets design, a sheet of inset paper and four different coloured pencils.
    • The teacher covers the inset paper with one of the frame, takes one of the coloured pencil and draws the inside of the frame anti-clockwise direction. Then she removes the frame.
    • She then covers the inset paper with the other frame and draws the inside of the frame with a different coloured pencil. In this way, the teacher shows how to create a design.
    • She then invites the child to fill in the gaps with controlled straight lines close together in any direction from left to right or top to bottom with different coloured pencils.
    • Encourage the child to do the exercise using different geometric figures and a variety of coloured pencils.

Exercise 6:

  • Complex Design

    • The teacher chooses three simple frames of three insets design, a sheet of inset paper and several different colour pencils.
    • The teacher covers the inset paper with the frame, takes one of the coloured pencil and draws the inside of the frame anti-clockwise direction. Then she removes the frame.
    • The teacher then uses another frame and covers the inset paper, takes another coloured pencil and draws the inside of the frame anti-clockwise. Then she removes the frame.
    • She repeats the above for the third frame.
    • Invite the child to fill in the gaps by drawing controlled straight lines close together in any direction from left to right or top to bottom with different coloured pencil.
    • Encourage the child to do the exercise using as many figures and as many coloured pencils he like.

Exercise 7:

  • A frieze Design
    • The teacher chooses one simple frame of an inset design, a sheet of A4 size paper and several different coloured pencils.
    • The teacher takes the frame, covers it on one side of the A4 size paper, takes one of the coloured pencil and draws the inside of the frame anti-clockwise direction.
    • Then she removes the frame and repeats the design over and over again without having any gaps connecting the designs together.
    • Invite the child to fill in the figures with controlled straight lines close together in any direction from left to right or top to bottom using different coloured pencils.
    • Encourage the child to do the exercise using all of the geometric figures.

Exercise 8:

  • Larger Scale Design

    • This is to show the child how to create a geometric design using a larger piece of paper.

      • The teacher chooses several frames of several inset designs, a sheet of A4 size paper and several different coloured pencils.
      • The teacher takes one frame, covers it on one side of the A4 size paper, takes one of the coloured pencil and draws the inside of the frame anti-clockwise direction. Then she removes the frame.
      • She takes another frame(overlaos the first outline drawn) and places it on the A4 sized paper. She takes another coloured pencil and draws the inside of the frame anti-clockwise direction.
      • She repeats the above exercise with different frames and different coloured pencils till the whole A4 sized paper is filled with designs.
      • Invites the child to fill in the figures with controlled straight lines close together in any direction from left to right or top to bottom using different coloured pencils.
      • Encourage the child to do the exercise using all of the geometric figures.